Quarterly Circuit Service – Sunday 2nd March
The first of our new Quarterly Circuit Services will be held on Sunday 2nd March, 10.30am at Freeman Memorial Methodist Church, Buckingham Road, Bletchley, MK3 5HH.
The Service will be led by our Circuit Superintendent, Revd Edson Dube, with contributions from church members from around the Circuit and the Circuit Choir led by Julie Gillam.
Parking: The church car park is very small and will be restricted to those who are less able. We suggest that you park in the Wellington Place car park (cost £1 for 4 hrs) and use the route to the church shown on the map (link below).
Freeman Memorial – Map showing alternative car parking
Please car share if possible!
The Circuit Choir will meet once more before the service – on Thursday 27th February, 7.30pm at Freeman. If you plan to be part of the choir, please email Julie c/o the Circuit Administrator on office.mkmc@yahoo.com.