
Circuit Directory

Here you will find the latest version December 2023 of the contact details for circuit ministers, leaders of worship and circuit and church office holders. This document is password protected. Please contact the Circuit Administrator if you require access to this document.


Looking for Sunday services?

The plan for Sunday services is available on the Services tab.



Mission Development Plan 2022 – 2027

Here is our mission plan, adopted in March 2023.

It will be reviewed in June 2027.


Resources for Worship Leaders and Preachers

These are websites for resources which people would recommend to help those planning and leading worship.

Roots on the web is available on subscription and provides both electronic and printed material.

The Singing the Faith plus website is a very helpful resource for up-to-date material and suggestions about hymns and songs for worship you might like to give it a try

The Vine Resources


The Vine provide resources for Local Arrangement services. Although The Vine was conceived to help Stewards, Worship Leaders and members of the congregation lead local arrangement services, feedback has been received from Ministers and Local Preachers who have also found The Vine to be a useful source of inspiration in their planning of worship. 

Our Circuit is paying for these resources for one year, and then we will review the benefit to us. They are sent on a weekly basis to representatives in each church, and also to the Circuit Administrator and the Circuit Superintendent.

Feedback form for Worship Leaders and Preachers in training

This is the current feedback form, once completed please return to the superintendent minister. Worship leaders and preachers feedback form 2018